Light and Shadow

20140309-133307.jpg This one was new for me, for a number of reasons. One being the treatment of positive and negative space: instead of Person being positive and everything else being negative, this was light and shadow. It meant dealing more with features and details than I’m used to, and I ended up with two complete images, which furthers the whole positive/negative space thing.

Also, I have got to resist the urge to work so small!! These images are ~4×6, which meant that some of the pieces were the size of dust (literally: at one point I thought a piece of dust was one of my pieces) – ridiculous.


Body vs. Clothes


Both of the original photos for these women had them in dark, drab colors, and I started thinking about the things we can change about ourselves, and the things we can’t. You can change your clothes and hair, but you can’t really change much about your skin, and it’s certainly a process if you want to change your aura.

For this girl, I decided to change all her clothes to be bright and colorful, but her skin I wanted to be duller and more pensive – filled with small sepia type like someone who is totally in her own head. I also used the stripes for her hair because even though I wanted it to be colorful, I still wanted it to be limp and stringy.


20140302-131010.jpgAlso can I just say that I made 4 pairs of shoes for this girl before I found ones I liked? High maintenance and indecisive, just like I created her to be, haha. Also, if anyone knows of shoes like the bee ones in real life, please let me know!!

For this girl, I decided to keep the dark clothes, contrasted with her light hair and skin. But I felt a sense of calm and peace that I wanted to capture with her skin, and I also think it captures the tattoos. This is definitely more of a literal translation than I generally go for, but I kind of like it.



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